Orders are shipped using UPS, FedEx, FedEx Home Delivery, or USPS Priority Mail. We reserve the right to use other carriers. Orders may ship in multiple boxes and/or from multiple carriers.
Items are carefully packed and sealed to prevent damage in transit. Loss or damage claims must be taken up with the carrier and we will assist.
Any shipment that is refused will result in a restocking fee and shipping costs cannot be refunded.
Any modification to an address after the order is placed may be subject to a fee. If you have specific shipping requirements, please contact us prior to ordering via email [email protected] or phone 919-420-0021 Press 1.
Lost Shipments:If a shipment is lost, mis-routed, or damaged please contact us to start an investigation with the shipping carrier. Replacement items cannot be sent until the shipping carrier completes their investigation.
Free Shipping and Non-Free Shipping Items:On certain indicated items shipping is fixed or free. This is generally limited to the 48 continental US States. Some exceptions may apply.
Free shipping items and non-free shipping items cannot be placed on the same order or full shipping charges will be added. Place separate orders, one for the free shipping items, one for non-free shipping items.
APO/FPO/DPO Orders:YES, we do ship to APO/FPO/DPO addresses. Please select the "Contact Us" tab and provide information to determine shipping rates. Or contact us directly at [email protected] or phone 919-420-0021 Press 1.
International Orders:YES, we do ship internationally. Please select the "Contact Us" tab and provide information to determine shipping rates. Or contact us directly at [email protected] or phone 919-420-0021 Press 1.
Goods will be shipped via Delivery Duty UNPAID. Buyer of a shipment must pay the broker, customs duties, fees or taxes.
The amount paid will reflect the amount on the customs declaration.
Shipping method will be based on item(s) purchased.
Please direct questions about customs and duty fees directly to appropriate departments shipped to the end destination.